Pacific Business News Recognized Brett MacNaughton in 40 Under 40

Image of Brett MacNaughton 40 Under 40

Pacific Business News -- Brett MacNaughton, 38

Director, development and design, The MacNaughton Group

Brett MacNaughton’s background in design and architecture helped to influence the design and landscaping for the Park Lane Ala Moana project, as well as the selection of more than 500 art pieces on display in the condominium fronting Ala Moana Center, all of which helped fuel sales of the units before the building’s completion. MacNaughton also serves on the board of The Nature Conservancy and The MacNaughton Group Foundation.

Who is your business hero and why? Elon Musk. Despite major opposition to the development and success of electric cars, he took it upon himself to revolutionize an industry that hadn’t evolved in roughly 100 years. While Tesla may still be figuring out how to be profitable, he proved that a well-executed product can succeed despite everyone saying no one will accept it. Instead of listening to all of the reasons that electric cars could not work, he kept pushing to figure out solutions to the problems. It takes a strong person to stand in the face of such opposition, but an even greater one to affect change in our society the way Elon has managed to do by simply refusing to accept “no” as the answer.

By the time you retire, what would you have hoped to achieve in life? I would love to be a part of something that provides as much positive change to our society as I think Tesla has managed to. While Tesla certainly wasn’t the first electric car or battery company, it is the first company that seems to have managed to get consumers to believe that electric cars are a viable alternative. With various companies out there working on digitally printing buildings, maybe we will see a revolution in how buildings and housing are manufactured. While it is a lofty goal to partake in such a revolution of sorts, one can dream. On a more practical scale, I hope that I can continue to build projects that allow families and friends to gather and enjoy their lives and surroundings.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given? Who gave it to you? To stand up for what I believe in. My father.

In one or two words, what is your secret talent? Imagination

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